Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Popular Front elects its functionaries

Submitted by Mudassir Rizwan on Tue, 01/13/2009 - 06:13.

By news desk
New Delhi: The National General Assembly of Popular Front of India (PFI) held in Calicut from January 9-11 has elected the functionaries of the organization and the members of National Executive Council for the next two years.
The general assembly meeting also resolved to merge three state level organizations – National Development Front of Kerala, Manitha Neethi Pasarai of Tamilnadu and Karnataka Forum for Dignity into Popular Front of India. These state level organizations shall hence forth act as the state branches of Popular Front, decided the meeting. “The National General Assembly hoped that this unification would help the ongoing efforts aimed at the empowerment of marginalized classes,” PFI said.
Newly elected functionaries are as follows: Chairman, E.M. Abdul Rahiman; Vice Chairman, A. Sayeed; General Secretary, K.M. Shareef; Secretary, O.M. Abdul Salam and Treasurer, Sheikh Dahlan Baqavi.
Following are the members of the National Executive Council: E. Abubacker, Prof. P. Koya, Adv. K. P. Muhammed Shareef, Moideen Kutty Faizy, Muhammed Ali Jinnah, Dr. Mahboob Shariff Awad, Basheer Ahmed, Yasir Hassan, Moulana Usman Baig Rashadi, Anis Ahmed.
The PFI general assembly has passed a three-point resolution.
The PFI demanded Government of India to put pressure on UN to bring to an end the violence in Gaza and establish peace. The organization also appealed to the government to repeal recently enacted laws on terrorism “since their clauses are in violation of the basic principles of natural justice and human rights.”
The Popular Front has called upon the people belonging to marginalized classes to put an end to the negative political strategy of tactical voting and work for political mobilization which will ultimately provide them due share in power.
The meeting reviewed the preparations for the forthcoming National Political Conference to be held at Calicut on 13-15 February 2009 and expressed the hope that the conference would prove to be landmark in the path of struggles for rights and justice in India.

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